All Clusters: GIO mount storage from NASAC
Dear User,
We have recently discovered issues with mounting storage spaces using the CIFS/SMB protocol from NASAC.
The problem comes from the update of Mellanox suite of packages, which manages our Infiniband (fast) network. Unfortunately, these packages disable the CIFS module, preventing CIFS/SMB storage mounts.
Since the Mellanox suite is crucial for the cluster’s operation, we cannot remove it. Currently, Mellanox doesn’t provides a workaround.
We are actively investigating a solution on our end to ensure you have the best possible experience. We appreciate your patience and will keep you updated on our progress.
Thank you for your understanding.
During the maintenance the patch cifs have been deployed.
(yggdrasil)-[alberta@login1 ~]$ gio mount smb:// < .credentials
Password required for share nasac on
User [alberta]: Domain [SAMBA]: Password:
(yggdrasil)-[alberta@login1 ~]$ ps -edf |grep gvfs
alberta 594688 1 0 09:59 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/gvfsd
alberta 594693 1 0 09:59 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/gvfsd-fuse /run/user/401775/gvfs -f -o big_writes
(yggdrasil)-[alberta@login1 ~]$ ls /run/user/401775/gvfs
(yggdrasil)-[alberta@login1 ~]$ ls /run/user/401775/gvfs/smb-share\:server\\,share\=nasac/hpc_exchange/backup/
titi toto
Note that the module has been deactivated by mellanox (driver fiber provider) for a good reason, so we’re not immune to unexpected behaviour.
Since Rocky9 was deployed on Bamboo during the last maintenance, the module now seems to be available again. You should be able to mount your NASAC share on both the login nodes and compute nodes.
Rocky9 will also be deployed on Baobab and Yggdrasil during the next maintenances.
Status: Baobab:
| Yggdrasil:
| Bamboo: 
start: 2024-06-13T22:00:00Z
Patched: 2024-10-17T08:00:00Z