[baobab] Majority of nodes drain/drng/down

Primary informations

Username: falkiewi
Cluster: Baobab

Dear @support ,

The majority of nodes on the cluster are in drain, drng or down state.

$ sinfo -R
REASON               USER      TIMESTAMP           NODELIST
issue-6277 : Not res slurm     2024-08-26T14:28:56 cpu[002,005,007-008,045-056,058-059,061-062]
issue-6277           root      2024-08-22T10:44:06 cpu004
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T11:40:07 cpu[156,173-183,187-188,190-193,196-198,208,220-221,240,242,270-271,274,287,290,292-293,295,303,308-311]
Not responding       slurm     2024-08-30T21:25:06 cpu285
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T10:52:06 cpu[247,253]
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T10:52:07 cpu251
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T10:52:08 cpu252
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T11:43:07 cpu326,gpu017
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T10:52:05 cpu[065-066,194,223,262,273,275-276,298,301,304,317]
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T10:58:05 cpu[157-160,162,164-169,171-172,184,189,195,200-202,216-217,225,263-264,294,306-307,332],gpu005
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T10:58:05 cpu161
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T10:58:06 cpu185
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T11:40:08 cpu[199,205-206,222]
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T10:52:05 cpu[207,249-250,254-261,299-300,305,315,319,321]
health_BEEGFS__tcp_c root      2024-09-02T10:52:08 cpu224
issue-6277 : Not res slurm     2024-08-26T14:27:16 cpu186
health_cuda___nvidia root      2024-09-02T10:55:08 gpu034
health_cuda___nvidia root      2024-09-02T00:21:47 gpu002
health_cuda___nvidia root      2024-08-30T00:46:53 gpu008
Kill task failed     root      2024-08-28T03:30:07 gpu012
Kill task failed     root      2024-08-28T21:17:07 gpu018
Kill task failed     root      2024-08-31T03:39:02 gpu025
issue-6299           root      2024-08-29T15:14:10 gpu047

Kind regards,
Maciej Falkiewicz

Dear Maciej,

Thank you very much to notice that. I see the problem and all nodes are back in production state. We plan to upgrade storage fabric this month in order to solve those kind of issues.

Best regards,


Lots of GPUs on baobab again in drain.

Best regards

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