CADMOS 3-day HPC course

This is an information forwarded from Jonas Latt.

Dear Colleagues,

(Please accept my apologies if this message has also reached you through another mailing list)

Like every year, the center for advanced modeling science CADMOS is organizing a 3-day course on High Performance and Scientific Computing. It takes place on Monday-Wednesday, July 8-10, 2019, in Hôtel Suisse in Champéry. Attendance is free for scientists and students from the Universities of Geneva & Lausanne and from the EPFL.

If you know of anyone who wishes to participate, may I kindly ask you to forward this information to them? The program is available at the address

I am available for all questions regarding the event.

Best regards,

Jonas Lätt

Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherche
Université de Genève
CUI, Scientific and Parallel Computing (
Route de Drize 7, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)22 379 01 37