Compile with OpenGL

Primary informations

Username: Kang
Cluster: Yggdrasil


I am wondering if there is an option or an alternative way to compile a program with OpenGL?

cmake-3.30/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:233 (message):
  Could NOT find OpenGL (missing: OPENGL_opengl_LIBRARY OPENGL_glx_LIBRARY

Hi @Yuzheng.Kang

I do not have the context, could give me more information about what you want to do ?

Do you have a sbatch ? a command to execute ?

Hi @Adrien.Albert

Thanks for your response.

I tried to compile a software called colmap on the cluster. To do that I submit a .sh file which as you said request computing node using #SBATCH.

Basically what I did is running these code. For the cmake part, I used module load to get most of the packages I need, but I missed OpenGL module.

git clone
cd colmap
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -GNinja
sudo ninja install

Then there was an error message about cmake-3.30/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:233 (message): Could NOT find OpenGL (missing: OPENGL_opengl_LIBRARY OPENGL_glx_LIBRARY OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR)

Hi @Yuzheng.Kang,

Please note that the use of ‘sudo’ is not permitted on the cluster.

I will proceed with installing COLMAP 3.8. The build receipe are available on EasyBuild, the tool we use to compile software on our HPC cluster.

Hi @Adrien.Albert

Thanks for the help!

Hi @Yuzheng.Kang

I forgot to answer: