Creating modules for HEASOFT and XMMSAS?

Dear all,

After quite a bit of work on my side I was able to install the HEASOFT and XMMSAS software packages, which I know a number of people in the astronomy department are using. Therefore it would certainly be useful to have these packages as loadable modules rather than just on my home directory. Any way this can be done?



thanks for your input.

As build mechanism for the cluster we use EasyBuild and the module associated with a software is automatically built during the build process.

As you are talking about specific astro software, please check with @Volodymyr.Savchenko or @Hubert.Degaudenzi, they may help you to build centrally your software.



Hi @Dominique.Eckert , @Yann.Sagon, @Hubert.Degaudenzi,

There are at least two working HEASOFT moudles installations, one on LESTA (made by Andrea) without EasyBuild and with some simplifications tricks which do not align well with modules design.

Another one made by me and installed in Baobab astro share. See some info in README there Volodymyr.Savchenko / Easybuild Easyconfigs · GitLab .

It still does not align too well with modules design. I realized this but still, made a PR to provide the easyconfig to the community, following recommendations of @Yann.Sagon , in order to see how they recommend to approach it:

There are lot’s of useful comments, as expected.
To be clear, we could do at least one of the following things, in order from easy to hard:

  • use already installed shared version in Baobab
  • adopt it to workflow of HPC team, although it does fully conform to easybuild community requirements
  • finalize the PR I made, and install it everywhere

To give an idea what does not comply with easybuild - it is not allowed to just source scripts like You need to emulate it fully in lua. So you need to understand well the insides of headas init scripts as well as know some basic lua and.

I do not have time now to work on the PR. I was expecting to finish it, but only after October.
We could start with easy and proceed to hard.
We could also have a zoom meeting about this if you want.

Please let me know.



Thanks a lot @Volodymyr.Savchenko , looking forward to this. I think what you are doing is really needed.


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