Error accessic symbolic link folder: cannot access data: Too many levels of symbolic links


I receive the following error after trying to access the contents of a symbolically linked folder I created.

The content of the folder is quite large (~50GB)

it happens even when I try to ls the folder but also when my python script access it.
The creation of the symbolic link was with this command :
ln -s data ./svm_model/data
and when I do ls ./svm_model/data
I receive the following :
ls: cannot access data: Too many levels of symbolic links

Any idea?
thank you in advance have a ncie evening and merry christmas :slight_smile:


As I don’t know where your folder is located, I can only trying to guess. When you created the symbolic link, it ware created with a relative path and wrongly because you created it outside of svm_model.
When you try to list the content of the symbolic link, it’s in fact a symbolic link on itself. You should delete it and recreate it with absolute path instead.


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Or you may create relative links with the -r flag.