Dear users, it’s my pleasure to forward you this invitation to a MPI presentation that may be of interest for some of you. Please keep in mind it’s not intended to learn to use MPI, it’s more about technical details. Easybuild is the framework we use to build software on Baobab.
Dear EasyBuilders,
As mentioned earlier, an online presentation on Open MPI will be given by Jeff Squyres (Cisco, Open MPI) and
Ralph Castain (Intel, Open MPI, PMIx) on Wednesday June 24th 2020 at 5pm CEST (3pm UTC).More information, including topics & WebEx connection details, is available at:
EasyBuild Tech Talks I: Open MPI · easybuilders/easybuild Wiki · GitHub
The presentation is specifically targeted to the EasyBuild community, but is open for anyone to join.
There is no need to register up front, just show up in time.Please share this information with others who may be interested in the presentation.
This may become the first in a series of “EasyBuild Tech Talks”.
If you have ideas or suggestions for other topics, please share them.