Help us to choose a name for the new Cluster

Je propose `DRAGON tree’

Si il faut un nom différent de baobab, je propose Yggdrasil

I was going to propose the same tree (Pando)

I nominate:

or my favorite

Sinon, Yggdrasil, c’est pas mal, ou encore Sequoia.


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For the reasons invoked, I like the ideas of:

  • Bamboo
  • Romanesco

Here’s another suggestion:

  • LaGrappe (french for the grape)
    This idea reflects conceptually the structure of a cluster. You can use it to produce nice outcomes :smiley:
    Otherwise, what about?
  • cocotier


What about “HULK” ??

I suggest : Tassili :smiley:

autres possibilités sont Ginkgo' ou bien Mimosa’

Cluster McClusterFace?

Many thanks to all for your contribution !

We close now the phase 1.

We come back to you tomorow with a vote.

Ah, you know that of which I speaketh!

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Et pourquoi pas un BOAB ?
Le baobab australien…

The poll (already closed) and the result are here: