HPC lunch: ask an expert - Autumn 2021

| In English below |

HPC lunch: ask an expert
Obtenez de l’aide et des conseils personnalisés

Prenez votre sandwich (virtuel) et rejoignez-nous entre 12h30 et 14h30 pour poser vos questions et discuter des éventuels problèmes que vous rencontrez avec les clusters de calcul de l’UNIGE: Baobab et Yggdrasil. Une opportunité de partager vos expériences avec nous et autres chercheur-euse-s.

SESSION – Autumn 2021

  • Jeudi 02 septembre
  • Jeudi 07 octobre déplacé au 14 octobre
  • Jeudi 04 novembre

Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer sur zoom!

L’équipe HPC

HPC lunch: ask an expert
Get personalized help and advice

Take your sandwich and come to meet us between 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm to ask your questions and discuss the possible issues you have with the use of the HPC clusters of UNIGE: Baobab and Yggdrasil (available soon). An opportunity to share your experiences with us and other researchers.

SESSIONAutumn 2021

  • Thursday 02th September
  • Thursday 07th October postponed. New date is 14th of Ocboter
  • Thursday 04th November

We look forward to meeting you on zoom!

The HPC team

The HPC-Lunch planed tomorrow is canceled and will take place next week: 14th October. See you

This is a friendly reminder: the next HPC Lunch will take place tomorrow!

You are very welcome to attend, you may join and leave as you will, no need to be there for the whole session. The idea is to discuss with us and with other users about HPC in general.

We may as well take the opportunity to present you two new tools available:

OpenXDMoD to see the clusters accounting information (usage per group, PI, faculty etc).
Grafana to see the node and storage performance

See you tomorrow!