I’m trying to install ITensor, but I’m having some trouble.
I’m doing the following:
after cloning ITensor from git, I’m changing the options.mk file setting mkl library as the used one. In order to do so I use the path to the library obtained via the command
module show imkl
Once the options.mk file is changged, I give the following command:
module load intel/2019a
module load GCC/8.2.0-2.31.1
and it compiles without giving any error message.
Nevertheless, if I try to run a code that is working fine on other machines I get an error coming from ITensor:
From line 568, file indexset.cc
In findIndex: more than one Index found, consider using findInds instead
In findIndex: more than one Index found, consider using findInds instead
srun: error: node001: task 0: Aborted
Hence my naive guess would be that somehow something went wrong during the ITensor compilation, as I never observed this error in this code on other machines.
If you could provide some help it would be very appreciated!
All the relevant files are in:
-/srv/beegfs/scratch/users/b/brighip/itensor_3.1.1 (for the ITensor library, in particular the file options.mk)
-/srv/beegfs/scratch/users/b/brighip/MBL_cd (for the proper code - Bosons-cd-par.cc)
Many thanks