Issues with private nodes?

Hello dear HPC team,

I’m a bit puzzled as to what is happening to me. Here are the details below.

  • what did I try:
    Here’s my launch script:

#SBATCH --job-name=H2_1bar_095AU
#SBATCH --ntasks=24
#SBATCH --partition=private-astro-dynaclim-cpu
#SBATCH --time=60:00:00

source /home/bolmonte/2024_PCM/trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/arch/arch-BAO_YGG.env

srun 20241101_gcm_64x48x30_phystd_b40x35_para.e > gcm_64x48x30_phystd_b40x35_H2_1bar_H2Ovar_sma_095_AU_simu_0.out 2>&1 # parallele
  • what didn’t work:
    It didn’t launch on the partition I asked for. It launches on debug-cpu.

  • what was the expected result:
    It should have launched on the partition private-astro-dynaclim-cpu.

  • what was the error message:
    In my .out file, I have the following:

srun: job 13520767 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 13520767 has been allocated resources
srun: error: Nodes cpu001 are still not ready
srun: error: Something is wrong with the boot of the nodes.
  • path to the relevant files (logs, sbatch script, etc):
    Everything is here: /home/bolmonte/2024_PCM/H2_simus/H2_0.95AU_1p
    My launch script:
    The log : gcm_64x48x30_phystd_b40x35_H2_1bar_H2Ovar_sma_095_AU_simu_0.out

Thanks very much for your help!
Emeline Bolmont

PS: Do you now know when will my private nodes be migrated on Yggdrasil?

I just wanted to say that somehow doing the following worked out. It’s not very satisfying, but it does the trick!

source /home/bolmonte/2024_PCM/trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/arch/arch-BAO_YGG.env

srun --job-name=H2_1bar_095AU --mail-type=START,END,FAIL --ntasks=24 --partition=private-astro-dynaclim-cpu --time=60:00:00 20241101_gcm_64x48x30_phystd_b40x35_para.e > gcm_64x48x30_phystd_b40x35_H2_1bar_H2Ovar_sma_095_AU_simu_0.out 2>&1 # parallele

Dear @Emeline.Bolmont ,

sorry, we missed this message. I’ve moved it to the category support issue which is more appropriate.

This sounds like you submitted your job using bash and not sbatch. If this is the case, all the Slum pragma are treated as comment and have no effect.

