Primary informations
Username: $khansh
Cluster: $ Yggdrasil
I am trying to run jupyter notebook by following the instructions here ([tutorial] Jupyter notebook)
Steps to Reproduce
copied the files from here (j/jupyter · master · hpc / softs · GitLab). Then used “sbatch” checked the job is running. Then used “grep “running at” -A1 slurm-26873460.out” and a link (http://cpu001:1234/?token=5965f95bf7c18963c38d3081a5e34d5baa8f1a40b1d58b4b) was produced.
Expected Result
to open a webbased interface for jupyter notebook
Actual Result
link does not work on my linux firefox or on my chrome.
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Thanks it helped but now when I do this on my personal computer
sudo vim .ssh/config
and edit as
Host ygg
User khansh
Host cpu001
HostName cpu001
User khansh
ProxyJump ygg
LocalForward 1234 localhost:1234
then ssh ygg
and then in a new terminal do ssh cpu001 it asks for a password for the cpu001.
You shouldn’t connect to ygg
but directly to cpu001
. This will use the ProxyJump
even tried that but still the same option comes up that give password for cpu001.
This time I had ssh cpu001 only.
Did you tried to type your password?
Yes it asks for password and my normal password works on that one. then it asks for khansh@cpu001’s password
I can confirm that this isn’t working. The reason is that the authentication from login node to compute node isn’t done using normal authentication but using HostbasedAuthentication.
A working solution is
root@CL-hqhk4m2:~# ssh -t ssh cpu001
Last login: Mon Sep 11 16:00:15 2023 from
Installed: Thu Aug 17 14:28:26 CEST 2023
(baobab)-[sagon@cpu001 ~]$
Be sure to have a working session on the compute node first.