I tried to mount a new nasac share on baoab, and following instructions in hpc:storage_on_hpc [eResearch Doc],
I run:
$dbus-launch bash
but this triggers the error message:
dbus-daemon[154590]: Failed to start message bus: Failed to bind socket “/tmp/eb-240s9w15/dbus-BhXJEhGkTK”: No such file or directory
EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon
This is happening on a cluster node on baobab.
Also, the documentation is not very clear on smb://server_name/share_name
. Could you give a typical example in the documentation? I asked for a standard NASAC share and got J'ai créé le partage
\isis.unige.ch\nasac\gsem\name... what is
share_name` here?