Dear users,
As announced by email, recently we have been experiencing some issues with the scratch storage on Yggdrasil, we have found that one of the reasons is that the scratch file system contains too many files.
As most of you have less than 10M (10 millions) files on your scratch, we have decided to introduce a 10M file quota per user on the scratch for both Baobab and Yggdrasil.
As a reminder, each scratch space can hold a maximum of 350M files.
For those users who have more than 10M files: you won’t be able to create new files once the limit is reached. We’ll contact you and give you 7 days to correct the situation.
See here for a table of storage and quotas on our clusters: hpc:storage_on_hpc [eResearch Doc]
See how to check your disk quota here: hpc:storage_on_hpc [eResearch Doc]
Thank you for understanding, best regards