New software installed dask 2021.1.0

Dear users, we have installed a new software: dask 2021.1.0

[sagon@node025 dask] $ ml spider dask/2021.1.0-Python-3.8.2

  dask: dask/2021.1.0-Python-3.8.2
      Dask natively scales Python. Dask provides advanced parallelism for analytics, enabling performance at scale for the tools you love.

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "dask/2021.1.0-Python-3.8.2" module is available to load.

      GCC/9.3.0  OpenMPI/4.0.3


      Dask natively scales Python. Dask provides advanced parallelism for analytics, enabling performance
       at scale for the tools you love.

      More information
       - Homepage:

      Included extensions
      cloudpickle-1.6.0, contextvars-2.4, dask-2021.1.0, dask-jobqueue-0.7.2, dask-
      mpi-2.21.0, distributed-2021.1.0, docrep-0.3.1, fsspec-0.8.5, HeapDict-1.0.1,
      immutables-0.14, locket-0.2.1, msgpack-1.0.2, partd-1.1.0,
      sortedcontainers-2.3.0, tblib-1.7.0, toolz-0.11.1, zict-2.0.0