R/4.2.1: missing packages?

It seems that the latest R/4.2.1 version is missing some packages, although they are mentioned in the announce post New software installed R 4.2.1 ?

Take for example tidyverse and sf, both are on the list but not installed? It seems it is an omission, as tidyverse was there for almost all versions (check find /opt/ebsofts/R -type d -name "*tidyverse*" -print).

Also, when running module spider R/4.2.1, zero Included extensions are listed, unlike previous versions (and unlike in the post?)

Minimum reproducible code

module load GCC/11.3.0  OpenMPI/4.1.4 R/4.2.1
pkgs_here <- installed.packages(lib.loc="/opt/ebsofts/R/4.2.1-foss-2022a/lib64/R/library")[,"Package"]
any(pkgs_here %in% c("tidyverse", "sf"))

will return FALSE whereas it should be TRUE

Just following-up on this, besides missing packages (tidyverse, sf), it seems there are also packages that were not well installed?

See the empty folder for package terra (ls /opt/ebsofts/R/4.2.1-foss-2022a/lib64/R/library/terra), which is not empty for other versions (check ls /opt/ebsofts/R/4.2.0-foss-2021b/lib64/R/library/terra for example).

The problem seems to be the same on yggdrasil, with the same issues (missing packages, weird terra folder), presumably installed with the same problematic script?

Hi Matthieu,

I just installed the latest version of R, could you try it and let me know if it’s working well ?

Oh nice, great to hear about the new installation!

Unfortunately, it looks like the problem was “solved” by offering much less extensions than before? I count up to 1000 packages installed with 4.2.0, but only ~110 with 4.3.3?

Ideally, do you think you could maintain consistency with the same packages pre-compiled across R versions? If not, would it be possible to include at least the package tidyverse with R 4.3.3? It has become the most popular R package, so is likely so be useful to many users here!?


For a rough count of packages:

find /opt/ebsofts/R/4.3.3-*/lib64/R/library/* -maxdepth 0 -type d | wc -l
find /opt/ebsofts/R/4.2.0-*/lib64/R/library/* -maxdepth 0 -type d | wc -l

Also, note that R 4.3.3 is not the latest, as in the meanwhile 4.4.0 and 4.4.1 came out (ok, the latter very recently, on June 14) :wink:

Dear @Matthieu.Stigler,

We are using EasyBuild to build software on our HPC cluster. Each build recipe is submitted through a strict validation process to ensure reproducibility across different systems.

We follow their release as closely as possible to avoid any unexpected behavior.

I built R/4.3.3 using the latest release of EasyBuild, published last month and available here. The configuration for R/4.4.4 is not yet available.

Building software can sometimes be a challenging task (as easybuilder once told me, “a pain in the ass”).

SoI tried to install tidyvers with R/4.3.3 and it’s not working due to version depenencies:



ERROR: dependency ‘Matrix’ is not available for package ‘mgcv’
* removing ‘/home/users/a/alberta/Rpackages/mgcv’
ERROR: dependencies ‘MASS’, ‘mgcv’ are not available for package ‘ggplot2’
* removing ‘/home/users/a/alberta/Rpackages/ggplot2’
ERROR: dependency ‘ggplot2’ is not available for package ‘tidyverse’
* removing ‘/home/users/a/alberta/Rpackages/tidyverse’

I notice another R-bundle-cran module exists (which include tidyvers) but only compatible with R/4.3.2. I am bulding both, R and the bundle.

I keep you informed

The problem is that the most recent version of Matrix depends on R 4.4 (see CRAN: Package Matrix).

So to install manually, you need to run:

install.packages("lattice") # might be necessary
install.packages("https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/Matrix/Matrix_1.6-5.tar.gz", repo=NULL)

I’m not familiar with EasyBuild but it seems strange to me that they omitted Matrix, which is a package used by many other packages, 50 depend on it (check length(tools::dependsOnPkgs("Matrix", dependencies = "strong"))) and it is therefore the 19th (out of 20000) most important package in that metric.

Hi @Matthieu.Stigler,

The Matrix, tidyverse, and other R packages are considered extensions and are, by definition, optional. It makes sense not to include these packages in the core R build for several reasons.

  1. By keeping the core and extensions separate, the core R installation remains lighter and more modular.

  2. If an error occurs in building an extension package, it does not cause the entire R build process to fail. This separation ensures that issues with individual packages do not affect the stability of the core R installation.

  3. Users have the flexibility to install (or load other module) only the packages they need, which can be tailored to their specific use cases.

A more telling example:
It took me 30 minutes to compile R/4.3.2 without extensions.

Yesterday I started compiling R-bundle-cran, which includes almost 1100 extensions, it’s still a work in progress… :slight_smile:

Here the R module build with the extension:

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oh very nice, thanks!! That seems a great solution to have both R and R-bundle separately.

I see that R-bundle also comes with R (ie I don’t need to module load R), though a slightly lower version 4.3.2? Not sure if you can edit the output of module spider, but might be a useful info to add?

Merci encore!

Hi @Matthieu.Stigler

You do not need to load R before as R as been marked as dependency. If you load another R version it will automatically adapt all module version used.

(baobab)-[alberta@login1 ~]$  ml GCC/12.3.0  OpenMPI/4.1.5 R-bundle-CRAN/2023.12
(baobab)-[alberta@login1 ~]$ ml

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) EasyBuild/4.9.2    17) OpenMPI/4.1.5       33) gzip/1.12        49) Tcl/8.6.13              65) GMP/6.2.1             81) Gdk-Pixbuf/2.42.10    97) PROJ/9.2.0                 113) Xerces-C++/3.2.4
  2) GCCcore/12.3.0     18) OpenBLAS/0.3.23     34) lz4/1.9.4        50) SQLite/3.42.0           66) NLopt/2.7.1           82) Pango/1.50.14         98) libgeotiff/1.7.1           114) Imath/3.1.7
  3) zlib/1.2.13        19) FlexiBLAS/3.3.1     35) zstd/1.5.5       51) NASM/2.16.01            67) libogg/1.3.5          83) libepoxy/1.5.10       99) cffi/1.15.1                115) OpenEXR/3.1.7
  4) binutils/2.40      20) FFTW/3.3.10         36) libdrm/2.4.115   52) libjpeg-turbo/   68) FLAC/1.4.2            84) Wayland/1.22.0       100) cryptography/41.0.1        116) Highway/1.0.4
  5) GCC/12.3.0         21) FFTW.MPI/3.3.10     37) libglvnd/1.6.0   53) jbigkit/2.1             69) libvorbis/1.3.7       85) GTK3/3.24.37         101) virtualenv/20.23.1         117) Brunsli/0.1
  6) numactl/2.0.16     22) ScaLAPACK/2.2.0-fb  38) libunwind/1.6.2  54) libdeflate/1.18         70) libopus/1.4           86) Ghostscript/10.01.2  102) Python-bundle-PyPI/2023.06 118) Qhull/2020.2
  7) XZ/5.4.2           23) bzip2/1.0.8         39) LLVM/16.0.6      55) LibTIFF/4.5.0           71) LAME/3.100            87) JasPer/4.0.0         103) pybind11/2.11.1            119) LERC/4.0.0
  8) libxml2/2.11.4     24) expat/2.5.0         40) Mesa/23.1.4      56) Java/11 -> Java/11.0.2  72) libsndfile/1.2.2      88) LittleCMS/2.15       104) SciPy-bundle/2023.07       120) OpenJPEG/2.5.0
  9) libpciaccess/0.17  25) libpng/1.6.39       41) libGLU/9.0.3     57) PCRE/8.45               73) Szip/2.1.1            89) ImageMagick/7.1.1-15 105) libtirpc/1.3.3             121) SWIG/4.1.1
 10) hwloc/2.9.1        26) Brotli/1.0.9        42) pixman/0.42.2    58) libgit2/1.7.1           74) HDF5/1.14.0           90) GLPK/5.0             106) HDF/4.2.16-2               122) GDAL/3.7.1
 11) OpenSSL/1.1        27) freetype/2.13.0     43) libffi/3.4.4     59) cURL/8.0.1              75) UDUNITS/2.2.28        91) nodejs/18.17.1       107) Boost/1.82.0               123) MPFR/4.2.0
 12) libevent/2.1.12    28) ncurses/6.4         44) gettext/0.21.1   60) Tk/8.6.13               76) GSL/2.7               92) Python/3.11.3        108) arpack-ng/3.9.0            124) PostgreSQL/16.1
 13) UCX/1.14.1         29) util-linux/2.39     45) PCRE2/10.42      61) ICU/73.2                77) ATK/2.38.0            93) netCDF/4.9.2         109) Armadillo/12.6.2           125) R-bundle-CRAN/2023.12
 14) libfabric/1.18.0   30) fontconfig/2.14.2   46) GLib/2.77.1      62) HarfBuzz/5.3.1          78) DBus/1.15.4           94) GEOS/3.12.0          110) CFITSIO/4.3.0
 15) PMIx/4.2.4         31) xorg-macros/1.20.0  47) cairo/1.17.8     63) FriBidi/1.0.12          79) at-spi2-core/2.49.91  95) libarchive/3.6.2     111) giflib/5.2.1
 16) UCC/1.2.0          32) X11/20230603        48) libreadline/8.2  64) R/4.3.2                 80) at-spi2-atk/2.38.0    96) nlohmann_json/3.11.2 112) json-c/0.16

I wonder if this bundle wouldn’t be compatible with higher versions of R. :thinking:
However, it was also compiled with a defined version of GCC and OpenMPI, so it would have to be recompiled with the correct versions. :melting_face: