SAVE THE DATE - HPC lunch - Autumn session

Each first Thursday of the month, 12:30 to 2:30 pm
Virtual room: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Get personalized help and advice

Come to meet us virtually to ask your questions and discuss the possible issues you have with the use of HPC clusters of UNIGE: Baobab and Yggdrasil (available soon). An opportunity to share your experiences with us and other researchers.

  • Thursday 1st October
  • Thursday 5th November
  • Thursday 3rd December




this is a remainder that we’ll have our HPC lunch this Thursday at 12:30 pm. Feel free to join if you want to discuss, seek help etc. No need to register.



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Dear community,

the topic of this session (05th of November) will be focused on EasyBuild.

EasyBuild is the tool that we use on Baobab to install the software you used through module.

The aim of this session is to let you know how to install a copy of EasyBuild on Baobab to be able to build your own EB recipe for non supported software (too specific for example).

We’ll go through selecting a toolchain, the basics of writing your own EB recipe, and the compilation of the software.

EasyBuild official doc

Of course the idea is not that all Baobab users will install their own copy of software. This is only meant to help you in case your software isn’t available easily.

I’m looking forward to meeting you


Dear community,

this is a remainder that we’ll have our HPC lunch this Thursday at 12:30 pm.

As you may have heard, we’ll open our new HPC facility, Yggdrasil, to all the HPC users very soon.

You are very welcome to join us in this session where we can discuss about this brand new cluster… or other topics!

See you tomorrow



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Dear HPC,

note that the email announcement subject was “HPC-lunch tomorrow 3th of November”, which is not right.
The email was from noreply, so I thought to comment here.

Best Regards


Thanks! @Volodymyr.Savchenko

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