Some directory permission seem to change on their own

Hi there,

For security reason, on Red Hat-based systems, ${HOME} directories are restricted by default to the user only (default permissions are 700). And we enforce this, on users’ ${SCRATCH} as well, given that the primary GID of all Baobab users is the same (for old users 1000:unige, for new ones 5000:hpc_users), which means that without defaulting to 700 anyone can access other users files.

To share data between users send us an email and we can then create a specific local group and then give to it access to a specific folder, /home/share/${PROJECT} or /srv/scratch/beegfs/shares/${PROJECT} .

NB , please also note that for easy sharing you need to set umask 0002 (thus new files and directories will be created with 660 and 770 permissions, respectively), otherwise you will be asked for confirmation every time you want to modify a file (see the example below).

Thx, bye,