Primary informations
Username: coppinp
Cluster: Baobab
There seems to be an issue with how /cvmfs is mounted on the computing nodes. All symlinks stopped broken.
Steps to Reproduce
(baobab)-[coppinp@login2 ~]$ srun -p public-interactive-cpu --time=02:00:00 --ntasks-per-node 1 --mem=2G --pty bash
srun: job 4814151 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 4814151 has been allocated resources
(baobab)-[coppinp@cpu007 ~]$ cd /cvmfs/
(baobab)-[coppinp@cpu007 cvmfs]$ ls
(baobab)-[coppinp@cpu007 cvmfs]$ cd
bash: cd: Too many levels of symbolic links
On a 2nd attempt (not changing anything) I can suddenly âcdâ into this directory, but it then it shows all symlinks in the directory /cvmfs/ as broken.
Expected Result
At least before this weekâs upgrade to Baobab everything was working correctly. Is it possible that this cvmfs directory somehow got incorrectly mounted?