Connecting to compute node via VSCode?


In one of your e-mails, you encouraged us to use VSCode not on a login node, but on a computing node. I requrested a compute node via salloc, typed hostname into the compute node to find out the hostname (in my case, this resulted in cpu026.baobab), but I’m not quite sure now how to proceed.

In VSCode, I press Ctrl + Shift + P, then Remote-SSH: Connect to host..., but then I’m not quite sure what to enter. Something like

ssh shekhza2@cpu026.baobab

doesn’t work (“hostname not resolved”), so I guess the hostname would somehow have to be combined with


Dear @Imahn.Shekhzadeh1

  1. You can use OpenOndemand to request easily a compute node and connect on VScodeServer.


  1. you can follow these procedure to configure :
    hpc:access_the_hpc_clusters [eResearch Doc]

More info to configure with the sshPublicKey

And the procedure from VscodeServer to connect on host

Hi @Adrien.Albert,

I just tried OpenOnDemand, but unfortunately, I’m getting the following error when logging in to

Error -- can't find user for shekhzad
Run 'nginx_stage --help' to see a full list of available command line options.

This is weird, as my username is shekhza2, not shekhzad :thinking:

Hi @Imahn.Shekhzadeh1

you have two account at UNIGE, one as student and one as employee. On Baobab you can only one have one account. Should we migrate your account shekhza2 to shekhzad?

