Limited number of Matlab jobs on clusters

Username: cuny
Cluster: yggdrasil, baobab

It seems that the number of job using matlab that can run in parallel on the clusters is limited. When I try to launch more than about 100 matlab jobs some jobs remain pending with license reason untill previous job end. Is there a way of getting rid of this limitation?

Dear @Nicolas.Cuny

This doc should interest you

The idea of compiling Matlab code is to save on licenses usage. Indeed, once compiled, a Matlab code can be run without using any license.

Thank you very much for your answer. I compiled my Matlab code and tried to run the resulting executable with the following command:

./ args

but it appears that before the arguments of my function (args) I need to give to the executable the path where Matlab is installed on the cluster but I don’t find this path, could you tell me what is the path?

Thank you very much

Hi @Nicolas.Cuny

The path depends of the version, but with the command which you can easily get it:

(baobab)-[alberta@login1 ~]$ ml MATLAB/2022a
(baobab)-[alberta@login1 ~]$ which matlab