Mount nasac on baobab

Hi all

I am trying to mount nasac-m2 to baobab and I would need your help before making any mistake.

On Nasac we have a lot of heavy files that I would like to avoid loading to scratch and if possible process directly there. I see there is a mount for nasac on srv/ but how can I have my partition of interest there (m-AutismLab)? Thank you!


Hi @Nada.Kojovic, did you check here?

Dear Yann

Thank you. I did actually but I have nothing in /run/user/your_uid/gvfs/my uid is 296556 if not wrong.

I do have something here it can navigate nasac directories but does not list files in them: /home/kojovic/.gvfs/,share=m-autismlab

Many thanks for your help


Are you sure the rights are set correctly in the NASAC? Are you able to access those files from windows with the same username? Maybe the user rights are set per group under windows and the group isn’t used in Baobab. Can you show a screenshot of advanced properties under windows of one of the file?

If unsure, please contact the storage team

Hi Yann

Here is it: