New software installed: fugue version 0.8.7

Dear users, we have installed a new software: fugue 0.8.7:

  fugue: fugue/0.8.7
      Fugue is a unified interface for distributed computing that lets users execute Python, Pandas, and SQL code on Spark, Dask, and Ray with minimal rewrites. Fugue is most commonly used for:
      Parallelizing or scaling existing Python and Pandas code by bringing it to Spark, Dask, or Ray with minimal rewrites. Using FugueSQL to define end-to-end workflows on top of Pandas, Spark, and Dask
      DataFrames. FugueSQL is an enhanced SQL interface that can invoke Python code. 

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "fugue/0.8.7" module is available to load.

      GCC/11.3.0  OpenMPI/4.1.4
      Fugue is a unified interface for distributed computing that lets users execute Python, Pandas, and SQL code on Spark, Dask, and Ray with minimal rewrites.
      Fugue is most commonly used for:
      Parallelizing or scaling existing Python and Pandas code by bringing it to Spark, Dask, or Ray with minimal rewrites.
      Using FugueSQL to define end-to-end workflows on top of Pandas, Spark, and Dask DataFrames. FugueSQL is an enhanced SQL interface that can invoke Python code.
      More information
       - Homepage:
      Included extensions
      adagio-0.2.4, antlr4-python3-runtime-4.11.1, fs-2.4.16, fsspec-2023.12.2,
      fugue-0.8.7, fugue-sql-antlr-0.2.0, qpd-0.4.4, sqlglot-20.9.0, triad-0.9.4


HPC team