I have a question about the quota on scratch on baobab.
When I use the quota command, I get:
home dir: /home/users/d/dumoulil
scratch dir: /srv/beegfs/scratch/users/d/dumoulil
user/group || size || chunk files
storage | name | id || used | hard || used | hard
home | dumoulil|372536|| 68.83 GiB| 1024.00 GiB|| 58086|unlimited
scratch | dumoulil|372536|| 2.99 TiB| unlimited|| 323989| 10000000
But when I count the number of files on the scratch I get a different number, less than 100k. This “less than 100k” makes sense because I save a bit less than 150 files per simulation for (now) 610 simulations then less than 100k files.
I don’t understand the factor 3 between the quota chunk files and the “real number” of files. Probably because I don’t get what a “chunk file” is.
Thank you for your help.