[Solved] Yggdrasil login node down [ssh login1.yggdrasil.hpc.unige.ch times out]

No longer current, at 13h25 03.05.2024

Primary informations

Username: hervaisa
Cluster: Yggdrasil


I am unable to log in to login1.yggdrasil.hpc.unige.ch
Problem is reproducible since evening of 02.05.24 on multiple machines and networks, including under VPN into UNIGE.

Steps to Reproduce

ssh $USER@login1.yggdrasil.hpc.unige.ch from external or internal network

Expected Result

Successful access to login node

Actual Result

ssh: connect to host login1.yggdrasil.hpc.unige.ch port 22: Operation timed out