Unable to mount NASAC share on

Hey all!

I’m having the same problem.

I followed the steps on your documentation + the procedure you described here but it didn’t work.

When I mount a NasAc and try to access to .gvfs I obtain the following message: Transport endpoint is not connected.

Then I tried to unmount it with the following commands:
gio mount -u smb://nasac-m2.isis.unige.ch/m-kaiser, then
pkill -u awada dbus, and rm -rf .gvfs. I got this message: rm: cannot remove '.gvfs': is a directory.

Does anyone know what could be the problem?

Many thanks!!!

Best regards,

Dear @Jade.Awada

on which cluster do you have the issue?

do you have the issue on the login node or on the compute node?

I got this message: rm: cannot remove '.gvfs': is a directory.

This is weird. The command rm -rf is able to delete a directory. Please copy paste the exact command you type and the output.