Virtualenv command not found despite loading python

Primary informations

Username: $licata
Cluster: $BAOBAB


I load the relevant modules for Python 3.11.5 (GCCcore-13.2.0, Python 3.11.5) and when I list my loaded modules, they are both there, although I cannot create any virtual environments. I get the error: -bash: virtualenv: command not found

Steps to Reproduce

module load GCCcore/13.2.0
module load Python/3.11.5
module list
which python
virtualenv ~/baobab_mne

Expected Result

Normally, it creates the empty virtual environment. Recently, it isn’t recognizing the commands virtualenv or venv

Actual Result

-bash: venv: command not found

Dear @Abigail.Licata we discovered that virtualenv isn’t bundled with recent Python module anymore. You need to load virtualenv module in addition to Python module. We’ve installed it right now: New software installed: virtualenv version 20.24.6