Would it be possible to install ibm cplex

I got the following error. Therefore I assume the community edition is not enough for my problem. I’ve seen there is a free academic version. Do you think you could install it?

CPLEX Error 1016: Community Edition. Problem size limits exceeded. Purchase at https://ibm.co/2s0wqSa.

Dear Silas,

the license terms seems to indicate the usage is for personal only. For this reason, you should install cplex as user in your home directory.


I think the Gurobi solver is already installed, you can just type in “module load Gurobi” to use it.

Hi there,

Indeed, but do not forget to ask for a “network” license (cf. https://baobab.unige.ch/enduser/src/enduser/applications.html#gurobi and Gurobi solver license issue ).

Thx, bye,