[Baobab] Urgent: Scratch Partition Nearly Full

Dear HPC Users,

The disk space on Baobab is nearly full, with less than 1% (approximately 5TB) currently available on the scratch partition.

As there are no size quotas on the scratch space, users are free to use as much space as needed. However, this occasionally necessitates a reminder to help manage storage usage effectively.

We urgently request your assistance in freeing up space. Please take a moment to review and delete any unnecessary data from your ${HOME}/scratch directory.

To facilitate this, you can quickly check your ${HOME} and ${SCRATCH} disk usage via the following link: Check Disk Usage on the Clusters

Additionally, please remember that there are other storage options available:

  • NAS Academic Storage: Store archives on a CIFS or NFS share for 75.-CHF / TB / year. NAS Academic Storage
  • long-term preservation of your completed research: Yareta

For further details, feel free to contact us as we manage this storage space as well.

We also encourage you to review our best practices for managing storage: HPC Best Practices

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best Regards,

HPC Team

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