I’m new to Baobab, but I’m wondering why the standard GNU parallel command is within a module with a dependency to GCCcore/8.3.0. I have been using it recently on Baobab with slurm and everything was okay. But today, I want to run multiple session of a command which has a dependency to GCCcore/6.4.0. It then replaces GCCcore/8.3.0. As a consequence, nothing happens…
I don’t know how to overcome it…
Thanks by advance if someone can help !
Hello, you are right, it’s a shame that this module depends on GCCcore, but it’s the case because it depends on Perl which depends on GCCcore.
Anyway, I’ve installed a version which depends on GCCcore/6.4.0
ml GCCcore/6.4.0 parallel/20190222
Thanks a lot for your fast answer !
It changed the error message but I still can’t have my script running parallel…
It worked fine with it !!
Hello, I’m not sure I understand your message. Is it working or not?
Sorry ! I didn’t reread my message…
Actually at first it didn’t work and generated another error message but it was not a dependency problem. I found out what it was and everything ran fine !
But I didn’t change the beginning of my answer on the forum… hence the confusion !
Everything is okay !
Thanks a lot for your help !!