Primary informations
Username: wangzo
Cluster: Yggdrasil and Baobab
Hi. It seems like Gurobi license has expired both on Yggdrasil and Baobab. Could you please check? Thanks.
(Sorry to cross posting. I previously sent the issue in a wrong category.)
Steps to Reproduce
To run any optimization problem with Gurobi to see if Gurobi license is still valid.
Expected Result
Normally, optimization problems can be solved with Gurobi solver.
Actual Result
E.g., for the job ID 31131275 on Yggdrasil and other jobs I submitted since 16.02.2024, I got the following messages:
gurobipy.GurobiError: Request denied: license expired
ERROR: Solver (gurobi) returned non-zero return code (1)
ERROR: See the solver log above for diagnostic information.
Hi @Zongfei.Wang
The license seems to have expired on 15/02/2024.
However, I’ve corrected something on Yggdrasil and communication with the server license (on Baobab) is working again.
I’ve contacted the Gurobi team to extend the license. Keep up to date
The license have been updated, could you confirm everything is working well?
Hi @Adrien.Albert
I made test runs again on Yggdrasil and Baobab but they still don’t work, with messages as above saying ‘license expired’.
I checked the license status on Yggdrasil and Baobab and it says license works fine, with messages like below:
(yggdrasil)-[wangzo@login1 control]$ module load Gurobi
(yggdrasil)-[wangzo@login1 control]$ gurobi_cl --tokens
Checking status of Gurobi token server 'admin1.baobab'...
Token server functioning normally.
Maximum allowed uses: 4096, current: 0
Could you please further check? Thanks! - Zongfei
Hi @Zongfei.Wang
Could you give a quick test to get this error message ?
Hi @Zongfei.Wang
It’s good to know that when Gurobi staff say extend license, it means generate another one.
I’ve updated the license file, it seems to be working fine.
Hi @Adrien.Albert
Sure, I ran job 31224141 on Yggdrasil this morning. And the error message is like:
Set parameter GURO_PAR_SPECIAL
Set parameter TokenServer to value ""
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 5, in <module>
File "/home/users/w/wangzo/baobab_python_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyomo/solvers/plugins/solvers/", line 62, in gurobi_run
model = read(model_file)
File "src/gurobipy/gurobi.pxi", line 3571, in
File "src/gurobipy/gurobi.pxi", line 80, in
File "src/gurobipy/gurobi.pxi", line 32, in gurobipy.gurobi._getdefaultenv
File "src/gurobipy/env.pxi", line 62, in gurobipy.Env.__init__
gurobipy.GurobiError: Request denied: license expired
ERROR: Solver (gurobi) returned non-zero return code (1)
ERROR: See the solver log above for diagnostic information.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/users/w/wangzo/V2_Z10_0_N10_Rx_V2_r0/control/", line 84, in <module>
model,results = solve_model_mincost(model)
File "/home/users/w/wangzo/V2_Z10_0_N10_Rx_V2_r0/EXPANSE/", line 52, in solve_model_mincost
results = SolverFactory(opts['solver_name']).solve(model,
File "/home/users/w/wangzo/baobab_python_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyomo/opt/base/", line 596, in solve
raise ApplicationError(
pyomo.common.errors.ApplicationError: Solver (gurobi) did not exit normally
Hi @Adrien.Albert
I just made test runs again both on Yggdrasil and Babab. And Gurobi is now working on both clusters. Thank you so much!
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