Gurobi license problem on Yggdrasil

Hi there,


[capello@login1 ~]$ date
Wed Feb 24 11:51:27 CET 2021
[capello@login1 ~]$ module purge
[capello@login1 ~]$ module load Gurobi
[capello@login1 ~]$ gurobi_cl --tokens

Checking status of Gurobi token server ''...

Token server functioning normally.
Maximum allowed uses: 4096, current: 13
[capello@login1 ~]$ salloc
salloc: Granted job allocation 1777866
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes cpu001 are ready for job
[capello@login1 ~]$ module purge
[capello@login1 ~]$ module load Gurobi
[capello@login1 ~]$ gurobi_cl --tokens

Checking status of Gurobi token server ''...

Token server functioning normally.
Maximum allowed uses: 4096, current: 13
[capello@login1 ~]$ exit
salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 1777866
[capello@login1 ~]$

Indeed (cf. Gurobi license expired on Yggdrasil - #5 by Patrick.Remy ).

Sorry for the delay and also for the annoyance, the problem was that during the 2021-02 Yggdrasil maintenance we changed some IP addresses (cf. Yggdrasil scheduled maintenance: 10-11 February 2021 - #4 by Yann.Sagon ) and forgot to update the Gurobi license server.

Thx, bye,