Issue connecting to specific baobab node with vscode

Primary informations

Username: $mulligas
Cluster: $baobab2


I am trying to connect my vscode session to a specific cpu nodes in order to be able to debug remotely. I ssh in the terminal to baobab, allocate the cpu node, and then update my .ssh config file to use the relevant node via a proxy jump. When connecting I am prompted for my ssh-key password as normal, but then afterwords I am prompted to log in to mulligas@cpuXXX , which I am not able to log into using my ssh-key password or computing account password.

Steps to Reproduce

.ssh config contents
Host baobab
  User mulligas
  RequestTTY yes

Host skycurtains~*
  RemoteCommand apptainer shell -B /srv,/home --nv /home/users/m/mulligas/temp_container/skycurtains.sif
  RequestTTY yes

Host baocurt skycurtains~baocurt
  HostName cpuXXX
  User mulligas
  ProxyJump baobab
  RequestTTY yes

salloc cpu on baobab. replace the cpuXXX with the allocated cpu.
open vs code remote explorer and connect to host baocurt. input ssky-key password.
then prompted to enter password for allocated cpu

Expected Result

Connect to the remote host without being prompted to login to cpu

Actual Result

Prompted to login to cpu, no password works.

Hey @Stephen.Mulligan

I just follow the procedure from scratch and it’s working for me:[]=proxyjump#ssh_tunnel_and_socks_proxy

Please also refer to the note at the end of the procedure:

Let me know if you still have the issue :slight_smile:

Hi Adrien,

Thanks very much for the reply.

I was able to get this working by following the steps in the linked post, however now I am experiencing another issue.

“Failed to set up dynamic port forwarding connection over SSH to the VS Code Server.”

I am now unable to connect once again. Any help would be much appreciated.

Killing the remote server fixed this issue.