Mpiexec from MPICH could not find

Username: juventin
Cluster: yggdrasil
Subject: MPICH/mpiexec error

I am trying to run a python software on Ygddrasil. On Linux, this software requires MPICH (>3.0), so I loaded GCC/10.3.0 and then MPICH/3.4.2.
The software crashes almost immediately, and I get the following error :
“mpiexec: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”.
The same error appears when I type “mpiexec --version”. I looked in /usr/lib64, indeed there is no “” but rather a “”.
Did I miss something while loading module ? Or is mpiexec pointing to toward an incorrect version of libslurm ?

Thank you in advance,


Maxime Juventin


I recompile MPICH, it’s working now :slight_smile:

(yggdrasil)-[alberta@cpu100 ~]$ mpiexec --version
HYDRA build details:
    Version:                                 3.4.2
    Release Date:                            Wed May 26 15:51:40 CDT 2021

Thank you :slight_smile:
It is also working on my side