Dear users, we have installed a new software: R 4.3.2
R: R/4.3.2
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "R/4.3.2" module is available to load.
R is a free software environment for statistical computing
and graphics.
More information
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Included extensions
askpass-1.2.0, base, base64enc-0.1-3, brew-1.0-8, brio-1.1.3, bslib-0.5.1,
cachem-1.0.8, callr-3.7.3, cli-3.6.1, clipr-0.8.0, commonmark-1.9.0, compiler,
cpp11-0.4.6, crayon-1.5.2, credentials-2.0.1, curl-5.1.0, datasets,
desc-1.4.2, devtools-2.4.5, diffobj-0.3.5, digest-0.6.33, downlit-0.4.3,
ellipsis-0.3.2, evaluate-0.23, fansi-1.0.5, fastmap-1.1.1, fontawesome-0.5.2,
fs-1.6.3, gert-2.0.0, gh-1.4.0, gitcreds-0.1.2, glue-1.6.2, graphics,
grDevices, grid, highr-0.10, htmltools-0.5.7, htmlwidgets-1.6.2,
httpuv-1.6.12, httr-1.4.7, httr2-0.2.3, ini-0.3.1, jquerylib-0.1.4,
jsonlite-1.8.7, knitr-1.45, later-1.3.1, lifecycle-1.0.3, magrittr-2.0.3,
memoise-2.0.1, methods, mime-0.12, miniUI-, openssl-2.1.1, parallel,
pillar-1.9.0, pkgbuild-1.4.2, pkgconfig-2.0.3, pkgdown-2.0.7, pkgload-1.3.3,
praise-1.0.0, prettyunits-1.2.0, processx-3.8.2, profvis-0.3.8,
promises-1.2.1, ps-1.7.5, purrr-1.0.2, R6-2.5.1, ragg-1.2.6, rappdirs-0.3.3,
rcmdcheck-1.4.0, Rcpp-1.0.11, rematch2-2.1.2, remotes-, rlang-1.1.2,
rmarkdown-2.25, roxygen2-7.2.3, rprojroot-2.0.4, rstudioapi-0.15.0,
rversions-2.1.2, sass-0.4.7, sessioninfo-1.2.2, shiny-,
sourcetools-0.1.7-1, splines, stats, stats4, stringi-1.7.12, stringr-1.5.0,
sys-3.4.2, systemfonts-1.0.5, tcltk, testthat-3.2.0, textshaping-0.3.7,
tibble-3.2.1, tinytex-0.48, tools, urlchecker-1.0.1, usethis-2.2.2,
utf8-1.2.4, utils, vctrs-0.6.4, waldo-0.5.2, whisker-0.4.1, withr-2.5.2,
xfun-0.41, xml2-1.3.5, xopen-1.0.0, xtable-1.8-4, yaml-2.3.7, zip-2.3.0
HPC team