New software installed: Sambamba/0.7.1

Dear users,

we have installed a new software:

capello@login2:~$ module spider Sambamba

  Sambamba: Sambamba/0.7.1
      Sambamba is a high performance modern robust and fast tool (and library),
      written in the D programming language, for working with SAM and BAM files.
      Current functionality is an important subset of samtools functionality,
      including view, index, sort, markdup, and depth.

    This module can be loaded directly: module load Sambamba/0.7.1


      Sambamba is a high performance modern robust and fast tool
       (and library), written in the D programming language, for working with SAM
       and BAM files. Current functionality is an important subset of samtools
       functionality, including view, index, sort, markdup, and depth.
    This module can be loaded directly: module load Sambamba/0.7.1


      Sambamba is a high performance modern robust and fast tool
       (and library), written in the D programming language, for working with SAM
       and BAM files. Current functionality is an important subset of samtools
       functionality, including view, index, sort, markdup, and depth.

      More information
       - Homepage:

Thx, bye,