New software installed: sinto

Dear users,

we have installed a new software: sinto

[sagon@login2 ~] $ ml spider sinto

  sinto: sinto/
      Sinto is a toolkit for processing aligned single-cell data. Sinto includes functions to: Subset reads from a BAM file by cell barcode Create a scATAC-seq fragments file from a BAM file Add read tags to a BAM file according to
      cell barcode information

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "sinto/" module is available to load.

      GCC/10.2.0  OpenMPI/4.0.5


      Sinto is a toolkit for processing aligned single-cell data. Sinto includes functions to:

          Subset reads from a BAM file by cell barcode

          Create a scATAC-seq fragments file from a BAM file

          Add read tags to a BAM file according to cell barcode information

      More information
       - Homepage: