I haven’t been able to mount nasac for the last few days, even though I followed the instructions. This was not an issue before last week. Is anyone experiencing the same problem?
please give details, or we can only guess!
- on what cluster does it happens?
- how do you try to mount the share? You followed the instructions, which one? From the documentation?
- what is the error message or symptom?
- what is the share you are trying to mount?
I’m using Baobab. I use the following lines:
dbus-launch bash
gio mount smb://nasac-m2.isis.unige.ch/m-GHoltmaat
And then I proceed to enter username, domain and password as usual.
Interestingly, I have no error message. Nothing actually happens it just opens a new command line, and I check and nasac is not mounted.
Thanks for your help!
Are you doing that from login2? If yes, as I have rebooted login2 last Friday, please give a try again. Maybe you had an old dbus process stuck.
I am experiencing the same issue, on Yggdrasil. On the hpc documentation, it seems only login2 can mount external storage? Is it still the case?
So to mount my NASAC on login1, I did as follow:
I typed
dbus-launch bash
gio mount smb://nasac-m2.unige.ch/m-GCarleton
I entered my credentials. I used isis.unige.ch for domain (I found it on the hpc documentation).
The directory /run/user/403714/gvfs/ was then create but it is empty.
What was wrong ?
Thank you