I am trying to run a docker image (fMRIprep) for the first time - so pardon me for the noob question.
I first tried running the image with ‘docker’, but got this error:
-bash: docker: command not found
I read: Docker-Baobab-CSCS.md · master · Pablo.Strasser / Docker-Baobab-documentation · GitLab and attempted running the image with Singularity. I have imported the module with
module spider Singularity/3.7.3-GCC-9.3.0-Go-1.14
, then I tried various commands (following Installation — fmriprep version documentation), to no success.
singularity run [path to img] [other container specific arguements]
srun singularity run [path to img] [other container specific arguements]
srun singularity run --cleanenv [path to img] [other container specific arguements]
and got the following error:
[WARNING] DueCredit internal failure while running <function _get_active_due at 0x2b1a9e824b70>: PermissionError(13, ‘Permission denied’). Please report to developers at Issues · duecredit/duecredit · GitHub (utils.py:194)
2022-06-20 11:14:50,208 [ERROR ] Failed to import duecredit due to Both inactive and active collectors should be provided. Got active=None, inactive=InactiveDueCreditCollector() (due.py:63) -
srun singularity exec [path to img] [other container specific arguements]
, and got this error: /.singularity.d/actions/exec: 9: exec: /home/users/t/tanm/data/final_experiment/fmri/data4analyses/: Permission denied -
I attempted to use the argument bind
, but got this error: ERROR : Image path doesn’t exists
ABORT : Retval = 255
What should I change to be able to launch this docker image?
Thank you very much.
Mi Xue