Singularity warning cannot touch

We recently found that when using gpus with singularity version 2.4.2-dist there is an additional warning. However everything seem to work.

Running the test script I obtain:

touch: cannot touch ‘/usr/local/cuda/compat/.418.67.gpu002.cluster.checked’: Permission denied
tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], device=‘cuda:0’)

I think this is an harmless warning and I think it can be ignore.

Hello Pablo,

which test script are you using?

I used the following image from amina as I was helping here debug some problem (docker://2012913/iclr:latest )
And executed the following simple test script:

import torch
cuda = torch.device('cuda')
a = torch.zeros(10,device=cuda)

I tried again with a standard pytorch image and didn’t have the problem. Seem there is something wrong with her image. Will have a look on it later. Sorry, I should have tested on the stock pytorch image before raising the issue.

Have a nice day.


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Good news ! Let us know if you still have the problem with a clean image.

Have a nice day