Vote for the name of the new HPC Cluster

Dear all,

Following your proposals, it is time to vote for the final name of the new HPC Cluster hosted in Sauverny.

More details

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  • The new cluster is not going to replace Baobab, nor to extend it; the Sauverny cluster is a different cluster.
  • Both clusters are going to be available for all researchers of Geneva’s higher education institutions.
  • We need a different name for each cluster to clearly identify them (when you use them, during maintenance…); for this reason Baobab cannot be retained for the Sauverny cluster.
  • Unfortunately, we couldn’t keep all propositions, so we removed the ones that were unrelated to tree or plants (although some of them were fun!; e.g. LaGrappe, Starmania, Hulk, ClusterFace, Dahu…).
  • Sequoia, Baobab 2030, Abies were removed for other reasons (e.g. known in other HPC facilities).

Please let us know your favorite name until Friday the 31st of January; you have only one vote.

  • Hyperion
  • Eucalyptus
  • Blackbutt
  • Kauri
  • Quercus
  • Speedwell
  • Sapin
  • Ebony
  • Romanesco
  • Yggdrasil
  • Sassafras
  • Acacia
  • Pando
  • Banboo
  • Cypress
  • Mimosa
  • Dragon
  • Cocotier
  • Tassili
  • Ginkgo

0 voters

Many thanks in advance for your contribution!

The HPC team
On behalf of the Digital Infrastructures and Services for Research Programme

Dear all,

Many thanks for your participation to the vote !

The name of the new cluster hosted in Sauverny will be “Yggdrasil”.

See the bar graph for more details.

Kind regards

The HPC team
On behalf of the Digital Infrastructures and Services for Research Programme

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